Friday, 20 April 2012 17:00 |
There are many reasons to come to Minsk in May: the weather is warm, the trees are green and women are incredibly attractive in spring. In the meantime finding apartment in Minsk for 1-9 May could be a long and pricy issue. The main reason is that there are pretty long holidays in Belarus and Russia: 1st of May – International Worker’s Day, 9th of May – Victory Day (Word War 2). Too many people are coming to Minsk for holidays or for visiting their friends.
You know Minsk is a lovely travel destination for the guests from Moscow because of lower prices and recently developed gambling business. That’s why it’s totally necessary to think about your trip arrangements in advance. For example apartment rates in Minsk may easily go up for 1,5-2 times. It’s almost impossible to book a hotel room in Minsk for less than $100 per person during the holidays in the beginning of May. Keep in mind that Victory Day the 9th of May is widely celebrated in Belarus. You may see military parade on Nezavisimosti Avenue in the morning, various concerts at the day time and massive fireworks in the evening.

Last Updated on Saturday, 21 April 2012 19:58 |
We do not have anything available. Try hotels.