Our latest news about apartment business and life in Belarus.
Thursday, 04 October 2012 23:46 |
Minsk is undoubtedly a big city with pretty variable means of public transportation. Every day nearly 3 million people use public transport to get to this or that place. Public transport in Minsk is cheap, safe, reliable and more or less comfortable. The most popular means are metro, bus, trolleybus and tram.
Last Updated on Friday, 05 October 2012 13:23 |
Sunday, 30 September 2012 13:36 |
Visiting any city for the first time would definitely bring new emotions. Some tourists shared their first impressions about Minsk with us. In fact they are absolutely different people, who are occupied in various and not similar spheres of life. We got the tourists’ opinions about the most beautiful places of our capital and received some suggestions how to make it look better.
One of the tourists says that his most favorite places in Minsk are those where the remains of the old city can be observed. For example, Nemiga str, Lenina str or Nezavisimosti avenue, which are situated not far from the contemporary city center. He points out that the high-tech buildings in Minsk, the number of which is getting bigger year by year, can greatly damage the image of the city. Like it happened to Moscow.
Last Updated on Sunday, 30 September 2012 13:53 |
Sunday, 23 September 2012 12:45 |
The problem to rent a good flat for a long term at reasonable prices in Minsk is really hot-burning nowadays. Especially for ordinary Belorussians, whose average salary is nearly 500 USD a month (according to the statistics).
Some people claim that it is not a problem to rent a good flat in Minsk for 200 USD a month. The real estate specialists have calculated that the cost of rent should not be more than 20% of the monthly income of the person. In Minsk this sum is something like $100. But what do we have in reality?
Last Updated on Sunday, 23 September 2012 13:03 |
Friday, 14 September 2012 19:15 |
If you are searching for some changes in your life and if you are not afraid of crazy experiments, the new project in Warsaw is something that you definitely need! A new house is being built between two buildings in the center of Warsaw, but the terrifying fact is that the widest place in it is 1.21 meter and the narrowest - 0.71 meter. In spite of this, there will be a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and a living-room. The living conditions in such place certainly require adaptability, as it is similar to as if you were living on the spaceship - the staircase is absolutely vertical.
Last Updated on Friday, 14 September 2012 19:27 |
Thursday, 13 September 2012 08:40 |
What is a modern hostel actually? It is a budget accommodation which provides you with a couch (not a separate room), shower, kitchen, where you can cook for yourself and use a free wi-fi. What makes hostels popular with tourists is that such places not only provide you with a bed, but there is always a great opportunity to get to know new people and in most cases there are rooms with different kinds of entertainment like billiards. Before 2012 year tourists with the limited amount of money, who could not afford hotels of Minsk, had the opportunity to live in the hostel Postoyalets, the only hostel at that time.
Last Updated on Thursday, 13 September 2012 09:02 |
Friday, 07 September 2012 15:12 |
Minsk is still preparing for Hockey champ 2014 and today a new hotel opened its doors. Hotel Garni was opened in the same building where it was in the past (Internatsionalnaya street 11). Originally the hotel was opened in the end of 19th century. It was closed during communist soviet times. Today there are 50 rooms in the hotel. Garni hotel was renovated and decorated according to the old photos of the original hotel.
Last Updated on Friday, 07 September 2012 15:29 |
Monday, 20 August 2012 09:44 |
Have you been to Karla Marksa street in Minsk on Saturday or Sunday? A big part of Karla Marksa street is blocked for the cars on the weekends. There you could see street artist, live performances, fire show, and meet a lot of people walking around. In fact Karla Marksa is one of the first pedestrian streets in Minsk. Minsk government is planning to create more pedestrian streets to encourage people spend time in the city center. Do not forget that you can rent a flat on Karla Marksa street in Minsk!
Last Updated on Monday, 20 August 2012 10:08 |
Saturday, 04 August 2012 13:09 |
Belarus has got the first gold medal on London Olympic games 2012 thanks to Sergey Martynov - 44 year old shooter. He's got the first place in the competition with the new world record - 705.5 points. Now Belarus has 3 medals - gold, silver and bronze, but the championship is not over yet! We are hoping to hear Belorussian hymn in London again.
Last Updated on Saturday, 04 August 2012 13:31 |
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