Our latest news about apartment business and life in Belarus.
Monday, 06 January 2014 18:36 |
While North America experiences the coldest weather in many years the weather in Minsk is absolutely opposite. Rainy days with the temperature above zero do not bring any winter mood in the new year. The weather forecast does not report any changes until the middle of January. This is very unusual for Belarus. The temperature is 4-6 degrees above seasonal norm.
The weather in Minsk in January causes problems with the most popular outdoor winter activities: skiing, skating and snowboarding. By the way last year cold winter weather kept on till April.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 January 2014 10:44 |
Friday, 06 December 2013 18:54 |
Every winter a big number of tourists arrive to Minsk to celebrate the New Year. Of course it’s more than just a holiday for people in Belarus. Obviously it’s one of the greatest events in the whole year. On the one hand it’s a magic atmosphere of a lovely winter holiday, but on the other it’s a great hustle. More active people who prefer noisy companies can go either to a bar or to a club. Others who like comfortable and warm atmosphere can celebrate the New Year with friends at home. Keep in mind that it’s very important to decide with whom you’d like to celebrate the New Year. Moreover you should find the best place for this holiday, that’s why we are glad to provide you with our serviced apartments in the city center.
Last Updated on Friday, 06 December 2013 19:01 |
Wednesday, 06 November 2013 13:20 |
Those tourists who have been travelling through Minsk National airport MSQ lately could easily notice a lot of architectural engineering all over the place. The biggest civil airport in Belarus is functioning properly but a big part is closed for reconstruction. The matter is that the airport was built long ago in 1983. A lot has changed since 30 years. Today there are many international flights, larger amount of tourists and high comfort demands. Last year 15 thousand flights arrived to Minsk taking over 1.8 million people. Of course everyone keeps in mind hockey champ in May 2014.
According to the plan the current construction will be finished by the 1st of March 2014. It will surely open new possibilities for tourists travelling to Minsk.
Last Updated on Saturday, 09 November 2013 12:07 |
Monday, 21 October 2013 10:55 |
Just in a little while after the official release in the United States new 100 dollar bills appeared in Minsk. When we received the new banknotes we decided to take a close look at it and compare with the old ones. Though we can still see the face of Ben Franklin in front there are several very evident differences. The background of the new $100 bill is not white any more; there is an unusual blue ribbon on the front side with 3D image, also the bell in the inkwell changes its color when you look from different angles.
Last Updated on Monday, 21 October 2013 11:05 |
Friday, 27 September 2013 14:41 |
Keeping money in Belarus could be a good but risky business. The interest rate reached 50% per year today if you keep your deposit in Belarusian rubles. Moreover there are no big limits about your deposit: you could keep your money in the bank for 1-3 month and get the same percentage. So if you leave 1 million ruble in the bank you would have over 2 million ruble on your account after 18 months! Of course this would not last forever and the rates will change eventually.
The interest rate for deposits in USD or EUR is high but not as exciting. You could get about 5% per year.
Last Updated on Friday, 27 September 2013 14:45 |
Thursday, 26 September 2013 08:57 |
The history of Belarusian currency begins in 1992. In that period you could see different animals on the bank notes: rabbits, beavers, wolves, bisons, bears. In the 90-s Belarusian economy faced the crisis, the inflation level was high. For that reason the government had to make the denomination two times in 1994 (10x) and 2000 (1000x). This totally made sense otherwise we would have to deal with 4 more zeros on the banknotes today. The biggest bank note would be 2 billion instead of 2 hundred thousand!
Today the USD/BYR rate is over 9 thousand BY Ruble for 1 Dollar. If we do not take into account the denominations 1994 and 2000 the rate would be over 90 million ruble for 1 dollar!
Last Updated on Thursday, 26 September 2013 16:14 |
Saturday, 14 September 2013 16:43 |
Everyone knows that Minsk is a capital city in Belarus, but not many tourists know that it’s really an old city with long and interesting history. Minsk was found in 1067, and it was a part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania after that a part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and at last a part of The Russian Empire.
Now every second Saturday of September people celebrate the foundation day. All city regions and the central area turn into a real festival. You can see many people walking, dancing, drinking and singing in the streets. Main entertaining events last from 12:00 till 23:00. The main scenes are located around Nezavisimosti avenue, Pobediteley avenue, Karla Marksa street, city parks and concert halls. The 14th of September is a perfect time to buy local handmade souvenirs. The safety is protected by a number of police units.
Last Updated on Saturday, 14 September 2013 17:04 |
Thursday, 22 August 2013 12:35 |
Many people ask us about the real prices of the apartments that we offer for rent. Of course the price of apartment in the very center is always bigger than average. The average price for an apartment in Minsk is about 1700-1800 USD per square meter. For that money your could get an ordinary flat built 20-40 years ago without modern renovation. Minsk apartments in center on Nezavisimosti avenue or Lenina street would start from 3000 USD per square meter. For the apartments in ceneter with luxury renovation the price could go up to 4000-5000 / square meter. It means that a small renovated studio flat in the very center could cost you 150 000 USD. The most expensive flats are usually located on Nezavisimosty avenue, Karla Marksa street, Lenina street, Internatsionalnaya street, Komsomolskaya street, Kirova street.
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