This street has become one of the most popular in Minsk because of various reasons. Named so after Karl Marks in 1922, it comprised one of the most interesting and outstanding buildings from the architectural point of view. What is remarkable, even though during the Second World War the whole Minsk was ruined, few buildings were saved and some of them are now situated on Karla Marksa street.
The street is rather narrow and reminds the pedestrians of old European cities. The traffic is not that bad, even though there are always lots of cars standing beside the pavement. There are many small shops and restaurants in this street, which make it very lively.
If you ask any Minsker what is his/her favourite street in the city, many will definitely answer that it’s Karla Marksa street. No one knows the exact reason, why this street is so attractive, but the fact is that it is one of the most beloved places of the citizens.
Seeing the huge excitement and attraction of the citizens about particularly this street, the authorities decided to make a part of the street pedestrianized (a phenomenon which can be seen in almost every European city). So, in summer 2012 on the weekends till 22 o’clock it was forbidden for the cars to drive there. The place became a real cultural center. Creative people were able to perform anything they want freely and even earn money for that. So, there could have been seen everything: dancing and singing, poetry and clowns, amateur bands and craft shops.
Unfortunately, the pedestrianized zone was closed for the performances in September, because of soon coming cold weather, but the organizers promised to renew the perfect experience in May 2013. Most citizens admit, that the fact that authorities allowed to do something like this is a real step forward, because foreigners and Belarusians themselves became aware of amateur cultural life, which is really amusing. It turned out that there are so many creative young people, whose talents can finally be demonstrated. |