Friday, 08 June 2012 14:37 |
According to the official information provided by BelStat the average salary in Belarus (November 2012) is 4 300 000 BY Rubles / month which is equal to almost 500 USD. The average wage in Minsk is a bit higher. It has almost reached 650 USD / month.
In one of the interviews the President of Belarus reported that he’s earning $2000 / month, minister of finance: $570 / month.
The average salary in different spheres in Belarus (per month):
Banks and finances: 690 USD
Scientific research: 580 USD
Building / construction: 490 USD
Health care: 415 USD
Education: 400 USD
Agriculture: 350 USD
However the official statistical information does not reflect the data about the people who get a "black" salary in cash or work unofficially. There are a number of private companies trying to save on the taxes. The wages in IT sphere in Belarus go up to 3000-4000 USD / month.
The average pension in Belarus is 150 USD.
Average salary in Belarus in USD (2004-2012)

Average salary in Belarus in BY Rubles (2004-2012):

Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 December 2012 12:58 |